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🙋🏻‍♀️ FAQ

How do I get Support?

We provide support on our Discord server. You can open a ticket on #support-ticket channel and someone from our support team will respond asap.

My Conversation wasn't complete. Will I still be charged credits?

No. You're only charged credits if your conversation was complete.

Can I trust that Fere is telling me the truth?

FereAI is designed to provide you with accurate and reliable information. Any market data related to price, historical value, and more is the most accurate at the time you see it. The analysis that FereAI performs on this data is based on the information available at that moment. However, it is important to remember that the cryptocurrency market is highly volatile and unpredictable. While FereAI can assist you in making better decisions, it is always crucial to conduct your own research and make your own decisions. The suggestions and insights provided are for informational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice.

If you find an answer to be incorrect, please provide feedback by using the "Thumbs down" button at the end of the chat.

Can I use output from FereAI for commercial uses?

Subject to the Content Policy and Terms, you own the output you create with FereAI. This includes the rights to reprint, sell, and merchandise your generated content, whether it was produced through a free or paid plan.

We believe in empowering our users by granting full ownership of their creations. This means you have the freedom to leverage your output in any way that benefits you, from commercial ventures to personal projects. Our commitment is to provide a platform that supports your creative and professional endeavors while ensuring you retain control over your work.

Where do I report bugs?

You can report bugs on our Discord server. We have a channel #bug-reports where you can report. Make sure to provide us a detailed description, how to reproduce it, or any screenshots/videos for our team to evaluate.