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Casso Agent

Casso agent can draw images. Using this agent costs 1 AI credit per call.


This agent can only be accessed on REST http call.

POST /chat/casso/


A post request to casso agent endpoint looks like below

"user": "1a5b4a29-9d95-44c8-aef3-05a8e515f43e",
"query": "A sky full of stars",
"image_size": "square_hd",
"num_images": 1,
"num_inference_steps": 4,
"seed": 0
curl -X 'POST' \
'' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"user": "1a5b4a29-9d95-44c8-aef3-05a8e515f43e",
"query": "A sky full of stars",
"image_size": "square_hd",
"num_images": 1,
"num_inference_steps": 4,
"seed": 0
  1. user: The Unique ID of the user making the request
  2. query: A prompt of what image needs to be generated.
  3. image_size: Size of the image. It can be either one of default, square, portrait_4_3, portrait_16_9, lanscape_4_3, landscape_16_9, square_hd, portrait_hd, landscape_hd. You can also provide a custom image size using the heightxwidth string. For example to generate an image of height 64 and width 128, pass the image_size as 64x128.
  4. num_images: The number of images to generate. Defaults to 1.
  5. num_inference_steps: The number of inference steps to do. Defaults to 4.
  6. seed: This is the seed value. It can be left empty or provided. Providing seed helps in generating same output with the same prompt. If not provided, a random value is picked everytime.

The python pydantic class for request object is below.

class CassoRequest(BaseModel):
user: UUID
query: str
image_size: str | None = "square_hd"
num_images: int = 1
num_inference_steps: int = 4
seed: int | None = None


The response looks like below.

"images": [
"url": "",
"width": 1024,
"height": 1024,
"content_type": "image/jpeg"
"timings": {
"inference": 0.36515445448458195
"seed": 10735814125180008000,
"has_nsfw_concepts": [
"prompt": "A sky full of stars",
"credits_available": 8200

The python pydantic class for response schema are below

class Image(BaseModel):
url: HttpUrl
width: int
height: int
content_type: str

class Timings(BaseModel):
inference: float

class CassoResponse(BaseModel):
images: list[Image]
timings: Timings
seed: int
has_nsfw_concepts: list[bool]
prompt: str
credits_available: int